Finding the Right Therapist

Paul Glynn, counselling, CBT therapy and psychotherapist London. MSc Counselling, PG Adv Cert CBT, Adv Cert Clinical Supervision, BPhil, MBACP (Accred).
Author: Paul Glynn, Clinical Director, Psychotherapist, Counsellor & Couples Therapist
Last updated: 7th May 2024

If you’re looking for help with a problem, then finding the right therapist to work with you is key. For some, this can be challenging. There may not be many therapists working in your area, or you might feel like you’re not connecting with the therapist you do find.

However, a skilled therapist can help you develop skills and confidence. The therapy can support you to address problems that may have affected you for years. So, finding the right therapist is important and worth the effort.

As you start your search, some questions to consider include: –

  • What type of therapy do you want?
  • Your Budget – what can you afford?
  • What are the qualifications and experience of the therapist?
  • Do you want Online or face to face sessions?

The above list is not exhaustive but offers a useful starting point. For example, do you want couple’s therapy or individual? Are you seeking cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), counselling or a treatment with a different focus?

Who’s Who?

There are psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, therapists, coaches – and this is before you have even arrived in the therapy room!! Great therapy websites will offer you a range of therapists and their website will be easy to navigate and answer many of your questions; such as the therapist’s background, their experience and training, fees and help you to decipher or translate any psychobabble.

So, what might help you in your search?

Further information that can help you in your search includes:- Is your therapist registered with one of the main UK professional bodies? Professional bodies such as the BACP (British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy, UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy and BPS (British Psychological Society have registered or accredited members who have met standards of proficiency and offer ethical practice. These therapists have completed recognised trainings and commit to continuing professional development.

Think about the type of person you’d feel most at ease with. Some prefer, and find it easier speaking to a woman. Others prefer somebody who is older and appears to have more life experience.  This can be difficult to judge from a website or information leaflet, but once you’ve contacted them, ASK. Check out whether the therapists are registered. What are their qualifications? Has the therapist had experience in dealing with the issues that you’re bringing?

Don’t hesitate to ASK

Starting therapy can feel daunting when all you want is to begin addressing your problems. But taking a little time to check out what’s being offered, and being reasonably clear about what you want, can ensure that you get the best help for you. The benefits of connecting with a therapist who you feel comfortable with, who is not judgemental and has completed a solid, professional training is worth its weight. And if you don’t know, or don’t understand – ASK, ASK and ASK.


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