4 ways that life coaching can help you make a career change
Are you contemplating a career change? Fed up with the corporate world and tempted to strike out on your own? You may be brimful with excitement at the prospect of starting your own business, but perhaps also understandably worried about the risk of failure.
This is where life coaching can be extremely useful. With the right coach by your side, you can build confidence, overcome blocks to success, achieve goals and improve your life. In fact, you will have the best possible support you need to follow your dreams and reach your new career goals.
1 – Learn to overcome your fears
To make it on your own, whether as a freelance consultant, restaurateur or yoga teacher, you need plenty of self-belief. Put another way, lack of self-confidence is bound to hold you back. A life coach can help you push past your comfort zone and challenge yourself to do things you never would have thought possible.
There are lots of personal challenges that can help you overcome your fears. Whether you complete a skydive or a firewalk, go travelling on your own or commit to public speaking, once you’ve done it there’s nothing left to be afraid of.
Crucially, when you conquer a fear in one part of your life, there’s a ripple effect that leads to a confidence boost in other parts of your life too.
2 – Listen to an outside opinion
When you’re working on your own, under your own steam, it’s hard to bounce ideas off someone who understands. Even with a team around you, you’re stuck in your own echo chamber and all the opinions you hear are those of your staff or colleagues, or friends and family.
A good life coach provides that crucial counterpart. As an objective outsider, s/he can see things from different angles and give you more balanced feedback and advice. Not only will life coaching give you a better perspective and more clarity, you will also gain more honesty. After all, your coach has your best interest at heart, and there’s nothing to be gained from telling you only what you want to hear.
3 – Connect with someone who ‘gets’ you
In order to reap the benefits of career coaching, it is essential that you form a positive rapport with your coach. Whether you find someone who has the same industry experience as yourself, someone with the same values or outlook on life, or someone who has achieved similar goals as the ones you’re envisioning, you need to be able to connect on a meaningful level.
Provided the two of you are well aligned with your business goals and on the same wavelength, your coach will understand exactly what you are going through. What’s more, s/he can give you the best possible advice, provide helpful resources and perhaps even introduce you to industry connections that can help you on your new career path.
4 – Focus on achieving your goals
Being your own boss means no-one is looking over your shoulder. It is up to you to keep yourself on track. The freedom to make your own strategic business decisions ultimately means that the success of failure of your venture is down to you.
A life coach can help you see the wood for the trees when you can’t, and point you in the right direction when you’re going in circles. With someone to hold you accountable, your progress is monitored in a constructive, progressive way to ensure you get to reach your goals.
If the above resonates with what you are currently experiencing and you would like to explore the idea of life coaching sessions to help you create the life you really want, please get in touch. Call KlearMinds in confidence on 0333 772 0256, email us a short message or book an appointment here.
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