
Anxiety blog image

How to cope with post-lockdown social anxiety

For most people, the easing of lockdown can’t come soon enough. We’re looking forward to hugging our loved ones, spending time with friends and getting back to our hobbies. But…

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Sad woman with protective face mask at home

How To Deal With Anxiety During The COVID-19 Pandemic

A public health crisis such as the coronavirus pandemic is not something any of us have experienced before, which makes 2020 a truly unprecedented year. The impact on our lives…

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Social anxiety

Coronavirus & Mental Health: Returning To Life After Lockdown

The impact of changing from a regular routine to a period of uncertainty has been well-discussed in relation to mental health, especially in terms of how this influences an individual’s…

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Couple Anxiety: 4 At-Home Activities To Reduce Lockdown Tension

The stresses of COVID-19 are understandably causing a powerful impact on our mental health. Financial pressures, furlough schemes and even social anxieties are all weighing on our minds as we…

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COVID-19: 4 Ways To Keep Your Mind Healthy

After forcing millions of people to stay inside, the COVID-19 pandemic has raised huge concerns over the mental health and well-being of everyone, everywhere. While staying on top of our…

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Coronavirus Counselling

COVID-19 & CBT: How to Improve Your Mental Health

The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in many changes to our lives in the last few weeks, leaving many of us facing a varied array of emotions. Whether it be growing…

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Social media concept image

Four ways social media negatively impacts mental health

We all do it. Whenever you’re out for dinner or drinks with friends, chatting away and catching up on old times, where’s your phone? That’s right – it’s either in…

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Fear of flying woman in plane airsick

5 tips to overcome your fear of flying

Do you suffer from flight anxiety? Or are you generally nervous when travelling? Fear of travelling can be a type of phobia, which may stop you exploring new places or…

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businessmen quarreling

How to get things done with the Pomodoro Technique

Now the summer holidays are over and we’re all back at our desks, now might be a good time to address an issue that affects many people, both at work…

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Sad woman with protective face mask at home

Are you afraid of the big wide world?

Are you apprehensive about going outside? Does your home seem the only place where you feel comfortable and truly safe? Isolating yourself from the outside world can become an unhealthy…

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Colouring books for adults – what are the benefits?

Adult colouring books have been around for a few years now – have you tried them yet? It might be silly to think that something as simple as a colouring…

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Is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy More Effective Than Medication in Treating Anxiety?

The strong feelings of fear, unease and worry that are hallmarks of anxiety can have a very negative impact on your life. Making the decision to get help for anxiety…

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Panic Button

Ten Tips For Managing Panic Attacks

Once the feelings of panic start to set in, these thoughts have a way of taking over and can give rise to intense fear and pain. When a panic attack…

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